Sunday, March 11, 2012

World Vision Gifts -- Food for Africa

Millions of children in Africa are malnourished and at risk of starvation. Your gift today will multiply 7x to provide lifesaving food, clean water, agricultural support, and other essential care to hungry children and families across Africa. Please help save a life today.Imagine being the parent of a hungry child, desperately searching for help while your baby weakens, unable to provide the food and care he or she desperately needs. The numbers of severely malnourished children continue to increase in Africa. Can you help before it's too late? A reliable source of nutritious food can cut a community's child death rate in half. Sadly, rising food and fuel prices have caused some regular food delivery channels to dry up, and many parents can no longer afford to feed their children. Millions now endure life-threatening hunger night and day.Thanks to government grants, your gift today will multiply 7 times to help children and families throughout Africa, where the need is especially urgent in places like Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Please pray for the hungry children in Africa, and send a life-saving gift today.

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